Want to have a doctor as your friend?
The current business model of rapid-fire visits and reams of paperwork to provide care and expertise isn’t working, not for physicians, and definitely not for patients. Flex Health is the solution to this problem.
We are a direct care medical practice. This type of care goes back to the days of the family physician who engaged with patients, took phone calls and even made house calls as needed. The physician contracts directly with the patient for basic healthcare services, much as it was before health insurance took over out-of-pocket pay as the primary revenue source for medical practices. The trend is now turning back to direct care as a preferred model of health care delivery.
Direct care practices charge a flat monthly membership fee. Some practices have tiers of membership levels. The monthly fee covers basic services for illness or injury. Outside services such as lab tests or hospitalizations are generally not covered with this type of practice. For those services, direct care patients may carry high deductible, catastrophic insurance.
At this clinic, you will be seen by a dual board-certified physician who will value and respect your time and your specific needs. Basically, if we can handle it in house and stock it, it’s included. Our goal is to provide high level access to quality care with upfront pricing, short wait times, and a personalized one-on-one experience.
Beau Gedrick D.O.